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Writer's pictureShawn Patrick Moloney

Realtor® Personal Brand Audit

A strong personal brand contains passion.

Working as a Realtor® in the modern world means having a personal brand. From Instagram to Zillow profiles, we all maintain a lot of places the public can find us. The question we should ask ourselves is when a potential home seller looks us up what will they find? If a home buyer who was looking for more information on you on Google what would populate? These simple questions bring to light the need for a brand audit.

First I think it would be a good idea to figure out what we want to see. Some items may include.

  • Uniform phone number

  • Uniform email (branded such as not @gmail)

  • Updated photos (especially headshots, stop the catfishing)

  • Bio current and maximized

  • Reviews

  • Social Media Accounts

  • All links work

Not everything that goes online is true and not everything that goes up can be taken down such as a bad review. It is all about what we are putting up and how we are responding if bad things do happen. Your online reputation is something that nearly EVERYONE who is working with you looks into.

Keep in mind even if you do not like a site or agree with what they are there for the consumers may look. Failing to look into your Zillow profile, Realtor .com profile, MLS profile, and others is turning your back on what works. Your clients are doing a brand audit, are you?


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